This examination is employed to investigate the cause of fainting or low blood pressure by continuously monitoring variations in blood pressure and heart rate.

During this procedure, a specialized tilt table is utilized to tilt the patient at different angles while monitoring vital signs. The response of the cardiovascular system is evaluated in each position to assess its functionality.

Approximate Duration: 90 minutes

Requirements for Examination:
• Schedule an appointment in advance and arrive 20 minutes before the scheduled time.
• Bring a medical order and authorization from the insurer (if applicable).
• Take prescribed medications at the usual time with a minimum amount of water (one or two sips of water only). Bring a prescription or detailed list of prescribed medications (name, frequency, dosage).
• Fast for a minimum of 4 hours and, prior to fasting, consume light foods.
• Refrain from using creams on the chest on the day of the examination.
• Bring relevant previous exams and/or medical history.
• The patient must be accompanied by an adult companion, who must remain in the facility until the examination is completed.

Results Delivery:

Results will be available 4 business days after the examination.

Agreements and Contracts:
– Policies: Sura, Allianz, Seguros Bolívar, Colpatria, Liberty Seguros, BMI, La Aseguradora
– Prepaid Medicine: Medplus, Colsanitas, and Coomeva.

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