

Our Knowledge Management Unit is responsible for generating, synthesizing, and standardizing the knowledge required for patient care, whether through our own research on cardiovascular diseases or the development of guidelines related to the diagnosis and treatment of those pathologies. Our research has led to the development and publication of a personalized model for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension based on hemodynamic phenotypes obtained with an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.

Our Research Lines:

  1. Arterial Hypertension.
  2. Assessment of health status, functional capacity, and biological age.
  3. Models of care in chronic cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Chest Pain Unit.

Awards and Recognitions

2020 SICOR a Success Case in the Healthcare Sector from the INALDE Business School.

– Best Institutional Research (SICOR), XXVIII Colombian Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (2020): Effectiveness of implementing a chest pain unit with telecardiology on response times, diagnostic agreement, emergency room re-consultations, and hospitalizations: a quasi-experimental interrupted time series study.

– Award for Research with the Greatest Impact (2014): Effect of a comprehensive outpatient treatment model on the occurrence of new cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

– Best Institutional Research (SICOR), XXV Colombian Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (2014): Effect of a comprehensive outpatient treatment model on the occurrence of new cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

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